- Vlkolínec
- Nature
- Natural Attractions
- Protected Areas
- Peaks and Vistas
- Peak Veľký Choč (Great Choc)
- Peak Predný Čebrať
- Peak Rakytov
- Peak Salatín
- Peak Malinné
- Peak Ostredok
- Peak Veľká Chochuľa (Great Chochula)
- Peak Sidorovo
- Viewpoint Predný Choč (meadow)
- Peak Malý Salatín (Small Salatin)
- Peak Ploská
- Peak Zvolen
- Peak Krížna
- Peak Prašivá
- Peak Malý Zvolen (Small Zvolen)
- Peak Mních (Monk)
- Peak Malá Smrekovica (Small Smrekovica)
- Peak Kopa
- Peak Smrekovica
- Viewpoint “Štyri Chotáre” below peak Hrádok
- Peak Šiprúň
- Peak Košarisko
- Peak Malá Chochuľa
- Viewpoint below Skalka
- Viewpoint at the notch below Malý Salatín
- Peak Končitá
- Springs
- Well below Hrdoš, Švošov
- Well Malý Jarok, Černová
- Well Kalisko, Černová
- Well Dobrá Voda Spod Borovej, Ludrovská Valley
- Well below Sliačska Magura, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Well in the Jastrabia Valley, Lúčky
- Well on the Žimerový creek, Lúčky
- Well in the valley of Uhlisko, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Well in notch Hiadeľské Sedlo
- Well Vrchlúky, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Well below Vrchlúky, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Well Šimúnovo, Ružomberok
- Well near Hlivovo, Likavka
- Well by camping site Malá Turecká, Liptovské Revúce
- Well Vajdová, Liptovské Sliače – Vyšný
- Well “Srazy”, Ružomberok – Černová
- Well “Pri Krkavej Skale” (Near Krkava Rock), Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Well “Pod Žiarcom” (Below Žiarec), Valaská Dubová
- Well “Pod Záhradiskami” (Below Záhradiská), Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Well “Pod Spevákovou” (Below Speváková), Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Well “Pod Krkavou Skalou” (Below Krkava Rock), called „Za Lazy“, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Well “Pod Dogerskými Skalami” (Below Dogerske Rocks), Ružomberok – Biely Potok
- Well “Hôrka”, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Well “Dubovské Lúky” (Dubovske Meadows), Ružomberok – Hrboltová
- Spring below a chapel, Švošov
- Spring Jachym, Lisková
- Spring of the creek in Vlkolínec, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Spring Medzi Hroble, Lisková
- Spring below Čierny Kameň – Koniarka, Liptovské Revúce
- Spring by notch Sedlo Ploskej, Ľubochňa
- Spring Kadlub, Kalameny
- Spring Malá Turecká, Liptovské Revúce
- Spring by Kuskova Vila, Likavka
- Spring below Sidorovo – above Opršalovo, Ružomberok
- Spring Hrabovská Cesta, Ružomberok
- Spring 1955-2015, Kalameny
- Spring Fountain in Korytnica, Liptovská Osada
- Spring Spa Jar Korytnica, Liptovská Osada
- Spring at Ležoviská by route E8
- Spring Posledná Voda, Liptovská Lúžna
- Spring at the turn to Korytnica, Liptovská Osada
- Spring Vyšné Javoriská by a cabin, Ružomberok – Podsuchá
- Spring “Za Túrnou”, Liptovská Osada
- Spring in the area of Dielec, Ružomberok
- Spring by the main ski run – bottom one, Ružomberok
- Spring by the main ski run – top one, Ružomberok
- Spring by the main ski run – middle one, Ružomberok
- Spring by a hunting cabin, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Spring Vyšný Matejkov at Močidlo, below Smrekovica, Ružomberok
- Spring below Makovica, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Conduit above Dvorisko, Ľubochňa
- Spring in the mouth of the Sliačska Valley, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Spring by the Chapel of Saint Anton Paduansky, Lúčky
- Spring “Pod Tichým” (Below Tiché), Ružomberok – Podsuchá
- Spring “Pod Škutovkami” (Below Škutovky), Ružomberok – Podsuchá
- Spring “Pod Šetárkou” (Below Šetárka), Ružomberok – Nižné Matejkovo
- Spring “Pod Brdom” (Below Brdo), Ružomberok – Černová
- Spring at “Pod Orlíkom” Street, Ľubochňa
- Water outlet at Za Makovicou, above Hučiaky
- Spring in the Droždivá Valley, on the left above the SNU memorial, Ludrovská Valley
- Spring of the Matejkovský creek, Ružomberok
- Spring in Maďarovo, Ružomberok
- Spring of the Čutkovský creek, Černová
- Spring at Za Makovicou, above Hučiaky
- Spring Surová, Ludrovská Valley
- Spring Budkovica small, Černová
- Spring at a sheep farm below Končitá, Liptovské Revúce
- Spring below a rock at Kalisko, Černová
- Spring with a drinking basin, Fedorov, Stankovany
- Spring above Podšíp, the front one, Stankovany
- Spring above Podšíp, the back one, Stankovany
- Spring above Rybka, Stankovany
- Spring “Mosúrka”, Ružomberok – Biely Potok
- Spring Vyvieračka in the Jastrabia Valley, Lúčky
- Spring below the cemetery, Ružomberok
- Spring under the high voltage line at the Calvary, Ružomberok
- Spring Príkro, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Spring “Hlboká”, Liptovská Osada
- Spring above Medzi Hroblami, Lisková
- Spring by spring Jachym, Lisková
- Drinking basin in the Švošov menagerie
- Spring above Nemecké Domky, Ružomberok
- Spring by Vyšné Lake between Čebrať hills, Likavka
- Spring below Čierny Kameň in Kratiny, Liptovské Revúce
- Spring below a well in valley Uhlisko, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Spring by the lake, Kalameny
- Spring below Dielec, Kalameny
- Spring in the Švošov menagerie
- Spring by notch Sedlo pod Čiernym Kameňom, Ľubochňa
- Spring by the ski tow, Kalameny
- Spring Záblatné, Kalameny
- Rift from the water tower by the cemetery, Komjatná
- Spring below Havran, Švošov
- Spring below Bohúňovo, Liptovská Štiavnica
- Spring Hvozdec, Liptovské Sliače – Vyšný
- Spring above the trail above the complex in Smrekovica, Ružomberok
- Spring below Koniarka, Ružomberok – Vyšné Matejkovo
- Man-altered spring above Kramariská Farm, Likavka
- Spring “drinking basins” above Predný Hon, Martinček
- Spring by a cabin below Likava Castle, Likavka
- Spring Pod Kopanicami, Liptovské Sliače – Nižný
- Spring below Prostredný Grúň, Ružomberok – Vyšné Matejkovo
- Spring below Záklučie, Ružomberok – Vyšné Matejkovo
- Spring by the trail above the complex in Smrekovica, Ružomberok
- Spring Záhumnie, Liptovské Sliače – Nižný
- Spring Meškov 2, Ružomberok
- Spring Meškov above Giant’s Glasses, Ružomberok
- Spring Meškov, Ružomberok
- Spring above Giant’s Path, Ružomberok
- Spring above Giant’s Glasses, Ružomberok
- Spring above the Blizzard track, Ružomberok
- Spring below cabin village Šimúnovo, Ružomberok
- Spring below spring Meškov, Ružomberok
- Spring below the chair lift, Ružomberok
- Spring by the Šimúnovo Well, Ružomberok
- Spring Sliačanky 1, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Spring Sliačanky 2, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Spring in the Sliačska Valley 1, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Spring in the Sliačska Valley 2, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Spring in the Sliačska Valley 3, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Spring in the Sliačska Valley 4, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Spring below cabin Kiki, Ružomberok – Hrabovo
- Spring in Príkro, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Spring above Kramariská Farm, Likavka
- Spring Nemcovô, Liptovská Osada
- Spring below Posledná Voda, Liptovská Lúžna
- Spring Stredný Úplaz, water tower, Liptovská Osada
- Spring Štítová, Liptovská Lúžna
- A small conduit below notch Hiadeľské Sedlo, Liptovská Osada
- Mud swamp on the way to Vrchlúky, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Spring below the road to Vrchlúky, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Spring “shaft” below the road to Vrchlúky, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Spring in the canal of the Vlkolínec water line, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Rift from the water tower above Borovka, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Rift from the water tower below Vrchlúky, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Mud swamp below Dielce, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Spring above Krmelce, Ružomberok – Hrboltová
- Spring above a forest road, Ružomberok – Hrboltová
- Spring Sojkov below a sitting area, Ružomberok – Podsuchá
- Spring on a forest road, Ružomberok – Hrboltová
- Spring “žliebok” (small channel) below Radičiná, Ružomberok – Hrboltová
- Spring area Sojkov by a hunters‘ hide, Ružomberok – Podsuchá
- Spring on a trail below Šťukovka, Valaská Dubová
- Spring of the Žimerový creek, by a trail, Lúčky
- Spring of the Žimerový creek, Lúčky
- Conduit below Žiarec, Valaská Dubová
- Spring Budkovica, large, Černová
- Spring Droždivá, Ludrovská Valley
- Spring Dunaj (Danube), Ružomberok – Biely Potok
- Spring above the SNU memorial in the Ludrovská Valley
- Spring below rock Jánošíkova Skala, the bottom one, Ludrovská Valley
- Spring below rock Jánošíkova Skala, the top one, Ludrovská Valley
- Spring below Predný Šiprúň (Front Šiprúň) 1, Ružomberok
- Spring below Predný Šiprúň (Front Šiprúň) 2, Ružomberok
- Spring below notch Kalisko 2, Černová
- Spring below notch Kalisko, Černová
- Spring below notch Vyšné Šiprúnske Sedlo (Upper Šiprúň Notch) 1, Ružomberok
- Spring below notch Vyšné Šiprúnske Sedlo (Upper Šiprúň Notch) 2, Ružomberok
- Spring by the Matejkovský Creek, Ružomberok – Nižné Matejkovo
- Spring in the Droždivá Valley, the left one, Ludrovská Valley
- Spring in the Droždivá Valley, the right one, Ludrovská Valley
- Spring in the Droždivá Valley, on the right above the SNU memorial, Ludrovská Valley
- Conduit by a trail below Kalisko, Černová
- Spring above “Skalky” Street, Švošov
- Spring below rocks Kostoly, Komjatná
- Spring at S. Nemčeka Street, Likavka
- Spring below the road to the Likava Castle, Likavka
- Spring below the road above Predný Hon, Martinček
- Spring below Temný Svit, Martinček
- Spring by an animal feeder above the road to the Likava Castle, Likavka
- Spring behind Kramariská Farm, Likavka
- Spring above a well in valley Uhlisko, Ružomberok – Vlkolínec
- Spring in the woods above the Calvary 1, Ružomberok
- Spring in the woods above the Calvary 2, Ružomberok
- Spring in the woods above the Calvary 3, Ružomberok
- Spring above track Modrý Zamat (Blue Velvet), Ružomberok
- Spring below Haliny 1, Ružomberok
- Spring below Haliny 2, Ružomberok
- Spring area below the Farm below Sidorovo, Ružomberok
- Rift from the water source, Hrabovo, Ružomberok
- Spring by trail Medvedia Cesta (Bear’s Path), below the cableway, Ružomberok
- Spring by trail Medvedia Cesta (Bear’s Path), panel 3, Ružomberok
- Spring by trail Medvedia Cesta (Bear’s Path), panel 4, the bottom one, Ružomberok
- Spring by trail Medvedia Cesta (Bear’s Path), panel 4, the top one, Ružomberok
- Spring by trail Medvedia Cesta (Bear’s Path), panel 5, Ružomberok
- Mineral Springs
- Mineral spring “Žofia”, Liptovská Osada – Korytnica
- Mineral spring “Vyšňanský Medokýš”, Liptovská Štiavnica
- Mineral spring „Vrt STH – 2“, Stankovany
- Mineral spring „Vrt STH – 1A“, Stankovany
- Mineral spring “Vojtech”, Liptovská Osada – Korytnica
- Mineral spring “Valentína BJ – 101”, Lúčky
- Mineral spring “Sírny Medokýš”, Stankovany
- Mineral spring “Nižňanský Medokýš”, Liptovská Štiavnica
- Mineral spring “Medokýš” in Banské, Liptovská Lúžna
- Mineral spring “Medokýš Podsuchá”, Ružomberok – Nižné Matejkovo
- Mineral spring “Medokýš Hlinava”, Ružomberok – Podsuchá
- Mineral spring “Medokýš”, Ružomberok – Hrboltová
- Mineral spring “Medokýš”, Ludrová
- Mineral spring “Medokýš”, Liptovské Sliače
- Mineral Spring “Maťo”, Liptovská Lúžna
- Mineral spring “Kubo”, Liptovská Lúžna
- Mineral spring “Kadluba” in Banské, Liptovská Lúžna
- Mineral spring “Jozef”, Liptovská Osada – Korytnica
- Mineral spring “Čertovica” (Teplica), Liptovské Sliače
- Mineral spring “Černovský Medokýš”, Ružomberok – Černová
- Mineral spring “Antonín”, Liptovská Osada – Korytnica
- Mineral spring Medokýš below a wooded area, Stankovany
- Valleys
- Historical Monuments
- Likava Castle
- Castle of St. Žofia (Sophia)
- Andrej Hlinka Mausoleum
- Ružomberok Town Hall
- Ružomberok Stairs
- Liptov Castle
- Andrej Hlinka Community Centre
- Synagogue
- Marian Column
- Liptov Museum Building
- Memorial to the Martyrs in Černová
- Building of the Ľudovít Fulla Gallery
- Building of the former People’s Bank
- Municipal Library
- Railway Station in Ružomberok
- Former State Grammar School of German “Realschule”-Type
- Sculpture of Freedom
- The Tomb of Ľudovít Fulla
- Mitošiny Manor House in Bešeňová
- Manor House in Liptovská Teplá
- Manor House in Madočany
- Jubilee Garden near Liptovské Revúce
- Jubilee Linden Tree Garden in Likavka
- Kollar’s House in Ľubochňa
- Manor House in Turík
- Memorial Townsmen House of the Houdek Family
- Memorial Townsmen House of the Makovicky Family
- Defence Bunker near Liptovská Osada
- Memorial Site in Likavka with a Memorial to the Soldiers and the Partisans Killed during the Uprising
- Memorial to the Victims of the Slovak National Uprising in Korytnica
- Mother of the Partisans Memorial
- Memorial to the Victims of World Wars I and II in Lisková
- Birth House of Vavro Šrobár in Lisková
- Salt Office in Likavka
- Granaries in Hubová
- School at Dončová Street
- Hydro-power Station in Ľubochňa
- Military Park in Biely Potok
- Railway Stop Ružomberok – Rybárpole
- The Andrej Hlinka Square
- Place of the tragic event in Černová
- Sacral Monuments
- Churches
- Church of St. Andrew in Ružomberok
- Evangelical Church in Ružomberok
- Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Ružomberok
- All Saints Church in Ludrová – Kút
- Church of St. Simon and Jude in Liptovské Sliače
- Church of St. Martin in Martinček
- Church of St. Philip and Jacob in Liptovská Teplá
- Church of Virgin Mary of Rosary in Černová
- Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria in Hrboltová
- Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary in Biely Potok
- Church of the Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary in Liptovská Štiavnica
- Church of the Holy Family in Ružomberok – Rybárpole
- Church of St. George in Likavka
- Church of Cyril and Methodius in Ľubochňa
- Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross at Calvary in Ružomberok
- Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Lúčky
- Church of Two Hearts in Liptovské Sliače
- Hussite Church in Liptovská Osada
- Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Stankovany
- Church of the Holy Trinity in Bešeňová
- Church of the Visitation of Virgin Mary in Turík
- Church of the Sacrifice of the Lord in Liptovské Revúce
- Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Hubová
- Church of Our Lady of Sorrows in Švošov
- Church of St. Cyril and Methodius in Ivachnová
- Church of Abbot St. Gál in Komjatná
- Church of St. John the Baptist in Liptovská Osada
- Church of St. Archangel Michael in Liptovský Michal
- Church of St. Peter and Paul in Kalameny
- Church of the Holy Family in Štiavnička
- All Saints Church in Ludrová
- Church of Transfiguration of the Lord in Lisková
- Church of St. Archangel Michael in Valaská Dubová
- Church of Virgin Mary near Liptovská Mara
- Church of the Holy Trinity in Liptovská Lúžna
- Chapels
- Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows, Stankovany
- Chapel above the Calvary, Lisková
- Chapel at the cemetery, Liptovská Osada
- Chapel of Saint Anne, Studničná
- Chapel of Saint Gorazd in Smrekovica, Ružomberok
- Chapel of St. Peter and Paul in Ružomberok
- Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows in Ružomberok
- Chapel of the Immaculate Conception of Virgin Mary in Ružomberok
- Hospital Chapel of Ružomberok, at “Generála Miloša Vesela” Street
- Vlkolínec Chapel, near Krkavá Skala (Krkava Rock)
- Chapel of St. Joseph in Hrboltová, under the castle
- Chapel of St. Anton in Nová Černová, “Pri Váhu” Street
- Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows in Hrboltová, Hruštie
- Chapel of Ružomberok, “Tatranská cesta 2” Street
- Chapel of Virgin Mary in Korytnica, Liptovská Lúžna
- Chapel DEO Lúčky, Lúčky – spa
- Chapel Liptovské Revúce, Vyšná Revúca
- Chapel of Biely Potok, in the Trlenská Valley, Jesuit Convalescent Home
- Chapel of St. Anton Paduansky in Lúčky, Lúčky – spa
- Chapel of St. Joseph in Lúčky, Lúčky – spa
- Chapel of Liptovské Sliače – Vyšný, “Na Bežan” Street
- Chapel of Liptovské Sliače – Vyšný, “Bronislavy Kubánkovej” Street
- Chapel of Liptovské Sliače – Vyšný, “Čertovica” Notch
- Chapel of Liptovské Sliače – Vyšný, below the woods above “Tichá” Street
- Chapel of Liptovské Sliače – Stredný, mouth of the Sliačska Valley
- Chapel of Liptovské Sliače – Stredný, above Medokýš
- Chapel of Liptovská Štiavnica, in “Pri božej muke”
- Chapel of Likavka, at the intersection of J. Hollého – Pod Hradom
- Chapel by the Church of St. Simon and Jude in Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Chapel by the Church of Two Hearts in Liptovské Sliače – Vyšný
- Chapel by the Church of St. Cyril and Methodius in Ľubochňa
- Chapel of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Liptovská Štiavnica
- Chapel of Lúčky, at the intersection of Slobody – Cintorínska
- Chapel of Ľubochňa, “Bahurina” Street
- Chapel of Our Lady of the Snows, Vlkolínec
- Chapel of Liptovské Sliače – Nižný, by the cemetery
- Chapel of Ružomberok, at the intersection of Bottova – Jána Jančeka
- Chapel of Liptovské Sliače – Stredný, at the intersection of Školská – K Medokýšu
- Chapel of Ružomberok, “Žilinská cesta” Street
- Chapel of Liptovské Sliače – Nižný, above the entryway to the town
- Chapel of St. Andrew in Korytnica
- Chapel of Saint Ján Nepomucký near Liptovská Štiavnica
- Chapel of Virgin Mary of Rosary in Magurka
- Chapel of Saint Ján Nepomucký in Ivachnová
- Chapel Komjatná, Hôrka
- Chapel Biela Púť, Ludrová
- Chapel DIX. MAT. V. 26, Ludrová
- Chapel of Our Lady of Sorrows at Paračka in Likavka
- Chapel of St. Hubert below Čebrať Hill in Likavka
- Chapel by cabin Májekova Chata, Ružomberok
- Chapel by the road to Šturec, Liptovské Revúce – Vyšná Revúca
- Chapel at Krstá Hora, Černová
- Chapel in Prieseka, Studničná
- Chapel below rock Sivá Skala, Komjatná
- Chapel Švošov, above a spring
- Chapel in the Komjatnianska Valley, Komjatná
- Lourdes Chapel by the Church of St. Archangel Michael, Valaská Dubová
- Chapel “Cave of Virgin Mary of Lourdes”, Likavka
- Chapel Likavka, “S. Nemčeka” Street
- Belfries
- Calvaries
- Crosses
- Cross by the soccer field, Stankovany
- Cross at Zadný Šíp, Stankovany
- Cross in Podšíp, Stankovany
- Cross at the end of Calvary, Lisková
- Cross at the cemetery, Martinček
- Cross Hrabovo, Ružomberok
- Cross Fedorov, Stankovany
- Mission cross by the church, Martinček
- Mission cross by the church, Stankovany
- Main cross at the cemetery, Liptovské Sliače – Nižný
- Main cross at the cemetery, Vlkolínec
- Cross in front of the fortification wall of the church, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Cross Polianka, Liptovská Osada
- Cross above the cemetery, Liptovská Osada
- Cross at the cemetery, Vlkolínec
- Cross at the cemetery, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Cross at the cemetery, Liptovské Sliače – Nižný
- Cross at the cemetery, Liptovská Osada
- Cross “Kaplnka” near Bešeňová
- Mission cross by the church, Vlkolínec
- Mission cross by the church, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Mission cross by the church, Liptovská Osada
- Mission cross at the cemetery, Vlkolínec
- Cross in the fortification wall of the church, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Cross Turík, Vlčia Jama
- Cross Likavka, by chapel “Cave of Virgin Mary of Lourdes”
- Cross Likavka, in front of Kramariská
- Mission cross by the church, Valaská Dubová
- Cross behind the church, Komjatná
- Cross Švošov, Staničná
- Cross Švošov, Nad Brehmi
- Cross Sedem Kostolov, Studničná
- Cross by the church in Studničná
- Cross by the Chapel of Saint Anne, Studničná
- Cross above Studničná
- Concrete cross Švošov, Staničná
- Cross Martinček, below Hradiská
- Cross in the Ludrovská Valley
- Cross at Zvolen
- Cross at Nová Hoľa
- Cross Černová, Repiská
- Cross Černová, by a way of the cross
- Cross Černová, Krstá Hora
- Small cross Černová, Krstá Hora
- Cross at Radičiná, Hrboltová
- Cross Černová, Badínka
- Cross of the gratitude of the healed 1869 in Korytnica, Liptovská Osada
- Cross in notch Hiadeľské Sedlo
- Cross Veľký Šturec, Liptovské Revúce – Vyšná Revúca
- Cross in front of the Turícka Valley, Turík
- Cross Črtľaž, Liptovské Revúce – Vyšná Revúca
- Cross Liptovské Sliače, above Sliačska Magura
- Cross Likavka, below Úboč Street
- Cross Likavka, Paračka
- Cross Likavka, above S. Nemčeka Street
- Cross Likavka, mine Drndošovo
- Cross Kalameny, Medokýš
- Cross Žabovo, Martinček
- Cross Komjatná, Hrádok
- Cross Komjatná, Hôrka
- Cross of God’s Torment Komjatná, Kriváň
- Cross of Valaská Dubová, “Brestová” Notch
- Cross in “Hrboltová” Forest Park
- Cross of Ružomberok, “Jelence” Street
- Cross of Ružomberok, below “Gejdák”
- Cross by the mill in Hrboltová
- Cross of Nová Černová, “Pri Váhu” Street
- Cross in Chlmky, Hrboltová
- Cross on the Work of Hrboltová, under the castle
- Cross of Ľubochňa, “Bahurina” Street
- Cross of Liptovské Sliače – Vyšný, “Stupy” Street
- Cross of Liptovské Sliače – Vyšný, Skálie
- Cross of Liptovské Sliače – Nižný, Hrádok
- Cross of Liptovská Štiavnica, Lúžok
- Cross of Likavka, “S. Nemčeka” Street
- Cross of John Paul II. in Valaská Dubová
- Cross of Hrboltová, Roveň
- Cross of Černová, Zrázy
- Cross of Černová, “Pri Váhu” Street
- Cross of Černová, in “Opaliny” by “Salaš Krajinka”
- Cross of Černová, Lanoviská
- Cross of Biely Potok, in the Trlenská Valley, Jesuit Convalescent Home
- Cross of Nová Černová, complex “U Dobrého Pastiera”
- Cross of Liptovské Sliače – Nižný, at the intersection of Hlavná – Na Majeri
- Cross of Nová Černová, Pod Milkov
- Cross of Liptovské Sliače – Stredný, Pažite
- Cross of Likavka, “Československej armády” Street
- Cross of Nová Černová, at the intersection of Čutkovská – Žilinská cesta
- Cross of Liptovské Sliače – Nižný, at the intersection of Hlavná – Záhumnie
- Cross of Liptovské Sliače – Stredný, by the cemetery
- Cross of Liptovské Sliače – Nižný, “Jarná” Street
- Cross of Martinček, entryway to the town
- Small cross Biely Potok, Kút
- Small cross Liptovská Lúžna, Jašicova Valley
- Small cross by the church, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Stations
- Station above Podšíp, Stankovany
- Statue of St. Ján Nepomucký, Stankovany
- Station at the cemetery, Vlkolínec
- Station “south gate of the fortification wall of the church”, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Station “new west entrance to the church”, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Station Biely Potok, Kratiny
- Station “Cyril and Methodius” outside of the cemetery, Komjatná
- Station below rock Sivá Skala, Studničná
- Station in front of Komjatnianska Valley, Komjatná
- Station by a farmstead, Studničná
- Station in a shepherd’s hut below a rocky cliff, Studničná
- Station in the Komjatnianska Valley, Komjatná
- Station in a fence, Studničná
- Station in the Sliačska Valley by a cabin, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Station Vidovô, Liptovské Sliače
- Station in a notch below Chopec, Liptovská Štiavnica
- Station near the end of the Sliačska Valley, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Station “Heavenly Mother” below Makovica, Liptovské Sliače – Stredný
- Station Liptovské Sliače, by a well below Sliačska Magura
- Station Liptovské Sliače, above Sliačska Magura
- Station in the Jastrabia Valley, Lúčky
- Station Črtľaže, Liptovské Revúce – Vyšná Revúca
- Station Valaská Dubová, in front of the way of the cross
- Station by the road to Šturec, Liptovské Revúce – Vyšná Revúca
- Station Biely Potok, by Vlčí Dvor
- Lourdes Cave of Biely Potok, in the Trlenská Valley, Jesuit Convalescent Home
- Station in Vlkolínec, near “Krkavá” Rock
- Station in Valaská Dubová, by the way of the cross
- Station in Valaská Dubová, central square
- Station in Ľubochňa, “Pod Orlíkom” Street
- Station of Ľubochňa, Statue at “Pod Orlíkom” Street
- Station of Liptovské Sliače – Stredný, below the woods above “Horná Roveň” Street
- Station of Hrboltová, granary
- Station of Biely Potok, by the bridge
- Cemeteries
- Other (sacral monuments)
- Churches
- Museums and Galleries
- Sheep Farms and Shepherd’s Huts
- Ružomberok
- Places to visit
- Nature
- Springs
- Spring by the lake, Kalameny
Spring by the lake, Kalameny
The spring is situated in the mouth of the Kalamenská Valley, 1 km away from the centre of Kalameny. It surfaces from a rocky bed at the periphery of the woods. You can get to the vicinity of the spring following a yellow-marked hiking trail from the centre of Kalameny. The spring surfaces a few metres away from the trail, by the lake for bathing.
– The water from the spring flows into a creek.
– The spring is unmaintained and covered with growth.
– In the vicinity of the spring, there is a mineral spring.
– There is a sitting area by the spring.
– By the spring, there is a lake with warm mineral water you can bathe in.
– The spring is situated in the Choč Mountains.
– It is situated in the 1st degree protection zone of natural medicinal sources in Lúčky
– Passing by the spring is a yellow-marked hiking trail from Kalameny to the Liptov Castle
– Passing by the spring is a blue-marked hiking trail from Lúčky to the Liptov Castle.
– Passing by the spring is the educational trail of Kalameny – Liptov Castle.
– Passing by the spring is the educational trail of St. Cyril and Methodius.