Places to visit

Spring at Za Makovicou, above Hučiaky

The spring is situated behind mountain pass Hučiaky, a few dozen metres away from a hunting cabin in the area of Za Makovicou. It is located approximately 400 metres away from the red-marked hiking trail running from Ludrová to Salatín. You can get to it along an unmarked trail from Medvedia Lúčka at the end of Hučiaky, where you need to turn left from the hiking trail and stay at the periphery of the woods to the right of the creek bed. From the hunting cabin, to which we are led by the trail, you need to continue past the water outlet, along an indistinct path for about 100 metres further into the woods.

– The unaltered spring with a large flow rate is used as a water source for a nearby cabin, to which the water is led through a hose underneath the ground.
– The water surfaces at several places in a steep slope under a tree.
– A portion of the water is directed into a container with a net, from which it is led through a hose into the outlet by the cabin.
– The rest of the water is directed into a wooden conduit below the spring.
– When looking at the exposed bed, you may notice that underneath the peat, the sand and the rocks, there is an impermeable layer of unctuous clay of grey colour.
– The water from the spring creates a distinct channel in the slope.
– The spring is situated in the cadastral area of Liptovská Štiavnica, in the territory of the Low Tatras National Park.
– The spring is situated in the National Nature Reserve of Salatín.