Places to visit

Spring “drinking basins” above Predný Hon, Martinček

The spring is situated on meadows, in the cadastral territory of the town of Martinček. It surfaces by a creek below Front Choč, above the area of Predný Hon. It is located approximately 2.1 km away from the built-up area of Martinček.

– The water surfaces from a rocky bed.
– A portion of the water is led in a metal pipe into drinking basins for livestock, the rest of the water flows freely into the creek.
– The drinking basins are also supplied with the water from the creek.
– The spring used to serve primarily as a water source for livestock, but it has been out of use for a few years.
– The spring is situated in the Choč Mountains.
– Situated in the vicinity of the spring is a viewpoint called “Likavská Hojdačka“ (Likava Swing Set).