Places to visit

The Tomb of Ľudovít Fulla

The tomb contains the physical remains of National Artist Ľudovít Fulla and his wife Júlia Klára.

It is situated at Ružomberok’s municipal cemetery, which lies only about 1 km away from the centre of the town. The Calvary of Ružomberok is situated nearby. The tomb is located at the southern border of the middle section of the cemetery, in sector 8B.

It resembles a funeral mastaba from ancient Egypt. It was given the nickname of “bunker” by the inhabitants of Ružomberok. A peacock sculpture can be noticed on the door wing, created by master Fulla. The three window openings are also decorated, filled with stained glass with the motif of a cross. They were also created by Ľ. Fulla. Inside the tomb, above the graves of the deceased married couple, there are two mosaics: Madonna with Angels and the so-called Small Crucifixion. They are copies of Fulla’s favourite works. The mosaic on the floor was created by Ernest Zmeták.

The tomb was built in 1964. Cotton mills also helped with the construction at the time.

An interesting fact is that this tomb is actually a second one. The first one was demolished by Ľ. Fulla because of poorly executed concrete work.

A Ružomberok’s native, Ľudovít Fulla, was one of the most important Slovak artists of the 20th century and one of the founders of modern painting and graphic art in Slovakia. He found the inspiration for his works mainly in the Slovak folklore. Apart from the title of National Artist, he was also awarded, for example, the Grand Prix Award at the world exhibition in Paris.

The tomb is under the administration of the Ľudovít Fulla Gallery in Ružomberok. The Gallery usually opens the tomb to the public during All Saints’ Day.

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