Places to visit

Station in a shepherd's hut below a rocky cliff, Studničná

The station is situated in the village of Studničná, in the cadastral territory of the town of Komjatná. It is located below a rocky cliff called “Sedem Kostolov” It is located approximately 260 metres away from bus stop “Komjatná,Studničná“.

– The station consists of a wooden cross, which is tastefully integrated into the log building of a shepherd’s hut situated in a sporting complex below a rocky cliff.
– The station has south-west orientation.
– The shepherd’s hut includes a sitting area.
– There are swings for children situated nearby.
– Passing in the vicinity of the station is a yellow-marked bike trail running from Ružomberok, below Radičiná, to Valaská Dubová.
– Passing in the vicinity of the station is a red-marked hiking trail running from Švošov, through Komjatná and Radičiná, to Ružomberok.

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