Places to visit

Cross in Podšíp, Stankovany

The cross is situated at the periphery of the village of Podšíp, in the cadastral territory of the town of Stankovany. It is located by a trail in a wooded area. To get to the cross from train stop “Stankovany“, it takes about 1.25 hours on foot along the marked hiking trail from Stankovany.

– The cross is made of wood, with a sheet metal depiction of Christ.
– The cross has a sheet-metal depiction of a saint.
– Fixed to the bottom part of the cross is a wooden frame with a glazed door, in which there are pictures of saints.
– The top of the cross is covered with sheet metal.
– The cross is west-oriented.
– The back of the cross is inscribed with year 2014.
– There is a wooden fence around the cross.
– From the cross, you get a partial view of Kopa.
– Passing by the cross is a green-marked hiking trail from Stankovany to Podšíp.
– Passing by the cross is a blue-marked bike trail running from Ružomberok, through Stankovany, to Podšíp.

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