Places to visit

Chapel Švošov, above a spring

The chapel is situated in the town of Švošov, at “Okružná” Street. It is situated in a slope behind a creek. It is located 450 metres away from train stop “Švošov“.

– The brick chapel is built into a slope.
– It is decorated with stone panelling.
– The inside area of the chapel is protected with glass.
– Inside the chapel, there are statues of saints and a prayer.
– The chapel is covered with a sheet-metal roof with a cross at the top.
– At the front part of the chapel, there is a sheet-metal inscription which reads “Ja som nepoškvrnené počatie” (I am immaculate conception), and year 1948.
– The chapel has south-east orientation.
– The chapel is surrounded with ornamental shrubbery.
– The area around the chapel is protected with a fence, which has a metal section at the front.
– There is a springhead below the chapel.
– There is a sitting area by the chapel.
– The access path to the chapel consists of a small bridge with metal railing.
– Passing by the chapel is a yellow-marked hiking trail running from Švošov to Ľubochňa.

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